Knights, Pancakes & Dragons

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shari Marshall for Readers' Favorite

Knights, Pancakes & Dragons, written and illustrated by C. L. Stinton, is a layered story for young readers. On the surface, it’s the tale of two brothers who are training to be knights like their father. They fight dragons and battle the evil Fire Queen. On a deeper level, the story is about a little boy named Tommy Buttertin. Tommy loves routine, hates shoes, and doesn’t speak; he is often misunderstood. With the love and support of his older brother Chris and Tommy’s best friend I-doll, Tommy’s purity of heart and his strength and courage shine through.

A beautiful map befitting an adult epic fantasy novel precedes the story. It’s an inviting way for the account of events in Griddle-earth to start. The rest of the book has playful cartoon images. That lightheartedness carries through to the prose with questions like, “Where the dragon farts is Tommy?” The cast of characters is equally imaginative with Sporkers, which are dragons that steal forks, spoons, swords, and armor. But it’s the themes of Knights, Pancakes & Dragons that take the story from cute to heartwarming. Family, love, and friendship are clear subthemes, which highlight the main themes of diversity and inclusion. Tommy is unique, but the Fire Queen and King Greasworth dismiss the power of that. The Fire Queen doesn’t believe Tommy is a threat and King Greasworth sees Tommy as a liability. But Tommy, a boy whose family and best friend believe in and include him, is a hero. This is a fun story for early to middle-grade readers.