
Tales & Tools to Survive a Bad Boss & Have Fun at Work

Non-Fiction - Memoir
208 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Leadershit: Tales & Tools to Survive a Bad Boss & Have Fun at Work by Jake Brown is an interesting and informative read emphasizing problematic bosses at the office. The book involves stories from Brown’s career illustrating the demoralizing situations encountered under bad leadership. It is structured into three main parts: The Pain, which highlights the feeling that bad bosses induce; The Crap, where one can read about long-lasting effects and survival stories; and The Wipe, a strategy that can help one to regain control and start moving forward regardless of the adversities encountered. All the stories will interest anyone who has been forced to work for an abusive employer. From the comically sneaky ’Hallway Assassin’ to simple yet profound realizations of self-improvement and the desire for a better career path, the reader is provided with deep and valuable insights into overcoming adversities, personal development, and seeking a better job.

The writing style is unique, genuine, and at times hilariously funny. Jake Brown uses humor and informal language to explain concepts that can be quite technical and serious. The author shares his experiences through engaging stories and readers will feel empathetic toward those individuals who have gone through similar situations. He is skilled at translating lessons learned into practical advice where readers can utilize the Wipe model for their own lives. This makes it easy for readers to seek advice and find the information that they need in this book. Leadershit is a useful guide for anyone who struggles to deal with the adversities caused by incompetent leaders and wants to build a better working world.