
Spirian Saga Book 3

Fiction - Fantasy - General
390 Pages
Reviewed on 06/07/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathryn Bennett for Readers' Favorite

In Legend: Spirian Saga Book 3 by Rowena Portch, to test a spirit one must put one’s soul through the unthinkable. You must survive the unbearable and find a way to reach for the impossible. Skye never wanted to be a legend; however, she must live up to the part she has been given. Doing so will mean allowing the human in her to die away. Skye does this and more. Thankfully, she is not alone. Her mate Khalen is there with her and they create a bond that can survive the fury of hell itself. Will legend continue on and strengthen a weak race? Or will evil win the day.

The story of Skye and Khalen is one that will stay with you for a time after you have read it. I admit that I have not read the first two books in this series, though I will do so now. While this stands alone on its own, I feel I will have a better understanding of things once I have read the other two books. The story itself is well written and has a unique and deep layer to it that makes you think. What would you do if you became a legend? What could your love survive? Rowena Portch has written a delightful story that flows well and gives you something to truly sink your teeth into. A race of people that are on the brink and all of the things that goes along with it. For me, the story of Skye and Khalen will stand the test of time as one of the best books I have read.