Let Me Tell You About My Mom

A Grow-with-Me book for babies to early grade school

Children - Non-Fiction
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Animal mothers care for their young, just like human mothers do. As well as feeding them and providing a warm place for them to live and grow, animal mothers must ensure that their young ones are safe and can survive in this “very wild world.” In Casey Rislov’s Let Me Tell You About My Mom, all kinds of wild animals are studied, like brown bears, black bears, loons, mountain goats, and many others. Each mother has an important job to do in caring for their young, whether they are kits (fox babies), chicks (loon babies), or kids (mountain goat babies). Each baby needs special care, a unique feeding regime, and so much more.

Casey Rislov’s picture book, Let Me Tell You About My Mom, is a 'Grow-with-Me book for babies to early grade school.' The story is told in simple language, frequently switching from the first-person narrative (speaking from the point of view of the animal baby) to the third-person narrative, describing the animal and its unique qualities and care requirements. The photographs by Ron Hayes are superb and certainly add some zest to the narrative. This is a great book for the very young as well as early readers who will benefit from the repeated sentences on each page that will spark their reading skills. The information provided is engaging and will encourage young people to show an interest in the animal kingdom as well as the important job of all mothers, both animal and human. A beautiful book.