Let's Go Out on a Date

Fiction - Drama
389 Pages
Reviewed on 09/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Let’s Go Out on a Date by Joel Wapnick is a unique, darkly humorous, and unexpectedly reflective novel that takes readers on an unpredictable journey. The story begins with the protagonist, Julian, planning his suicide in Montauk, New York, only to have his plans comically disrupted by unforeseen circumstances, including an attack by fish and a bizarre series of events that follow. Wapnick's writing is witty and often self-deprecating, which gives the narrative an engaging and human quality. Julian’s internal dialogue reveals a character deeply disillusioned with life but paradoxically driven by a morbid sense of curiosity and survival. His musings on life, death, and his strange encounters are philosophical and darkly amusing, balancing heavy themes with a light touch.

The plot is as unconventional as its characters. From Julian’s thwarted suicide to his hospital stay, where he meets eccentric characters like the oddly perceptive nurse Ginger and the relentless Ernest, the story is a series of absurd yet thought-provoking vignettes. The dialogue between the characters is sharp and often layered with sarcasm and dry humor, making for an engaging read that holds your attention until the last page is turned. Let’s Go Out on a Date is a quirky, introspective novel that defies traditional storytelling conventions. Wapnick combines elements of existential reflection with a sardonic narrative voice, making this book an entertaining yet poignant exploration of human fragility. It’s a memorable read for anyone who enjoys dark humor with a philosophical edge. This is a literary masterpiece that entertains to the very end.