Life Skills For Teens Toolkit

Master A Growth Mindset, Emotions, Financial Savviness, Cybersmarts & More, Even Though It Seems Like Everyone Else Has It Figured Out

Young Adult - Non-Fiction
150 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Maegen Lara’s Life Skills for Teens Toolkit is an empowering guide for teens in developing essential life skills. The book covers many topics, from mastering a growth mindset and emotional intelligence to navigating financial literacy, cyber safety, and building healthy relationships. Lara uses a friendly and approachable tone, making the content engaging and relatable for teens who may feel overwhelmed by the challenges of growing up. Each chapter contains practical advice, real-life examples, and action steps that guide readers in applying what they’ve learned. Stories like Liam’s coding journey or Mia’s discovery of dance as her preferred form of exercise add a personal touch that makes the lessons more relatable. The book encourages teens to take control of their growth, focusing on practical skills and building resilience, self-awareness, and confidence.

The book stands out because of its unwavering focus on emotional well-being with more practical skills like budgeting and cooking. Lara underscores the importance of self-compassion, mindfulness, and empathy in overcoming challenges. The toolkit is designed to be actionable, giving teens the tools to implement positive changes and the emotional support to navigate life's ups and downs. Whether you’re a teen eager to gain independence or a parent seeking a resource to support your child’s growth, the Life Skills for Teens Toolkit is an excellent, well-rounded guide. Its straightforward yet supportive approach makes it an indispensable resource for teens stepping into adulthood with confidence and for parents looking to guide them on this journey. Lara also offers many resources and a scannable code for additional mediations.

Edith Wairimu

Life Skills For Teens Toolkit: Master A Growth Mindset, Emotions, Financial Savviness, Cybersmarts & More by Maegen Lara is an invaluable resource that will equip teens with practical skills for taking control of their lives and building the future that they envision for themselves. The guide examines why some people develop a growth mindset while some remain stuck in a fixed mindset, offering advice on goal-setting, continual learning, and building resilience. It guides teens on how to understand, process, and effectively manage emotions. It is packed with helpful information concerning communication, time management, financial management, physical and mental health, and risk-taking. It also guides teens on how to navigate the digital world, explaining the dos and don’ts of digital life.

I found the guide an excellent resource for helping young adults navigate the complexities of today’s world and grow skills that will help them throughout their lives. The advice offered is laid out well with practical steps to help teens develop the skills discussed. I loved that it was written with its target audience in mind. Maegen Lara discusses topics relatable to teenagers and the language is easy to understand. I loved that anecdotes were included which make the discussions engaging and will help teens apply the advice offered in their everyday lives. I found the diagrams easy to digest and appreciated that most of the information included was also helpful to me. Life Skills For Teens Toolkit is a wonderful resource for mentors, parents, and teens. Readers will love its useful advice and straightforward action steps.

Pikasho Deka

In today's fast-paced world, where everyone is connected at all times, being a teenager is not easy and has its own unique challenges. Maegen Lara is a counselor, a psychotherapist, and an early childhood Schichida teacher. In Life Skills For Teens Toolkit, Lara provides keen insights and practically applicable tools to help readers navigate and overcome the rigors of adult life as confident and self-assured people who are ready to pursue their dreams. You will learn about developing a growth mindset and the science behind it, building resilience, setting realistic goals, regulating your emotions, taking care of your health, which includes mental, physical, and sexual well-being, savings, finances, and investment, safely and ethically traversing the digital world, fostering healthy relationships, and much more. This book will help you become a well-rounded and independent individual.

Using stories, examples, and action plans, Maegen Lara presents the go-to guide for teenagers to ready themselves for life as an adult. Life Skills For Teens Toolkit offers a blueprint for teenagers and young adults on the cusp of adulthood to ensure they have the required knowledge and tools to tweak their approach toward life from that of a youngster to an adult seamlessly. From tips on what to do in a car emergency and how to do laundry to exploring academic career paths and preparing for job interviews, this book contains all the necessary know-how to live life as a new adult. I found it very engaging, informative, and motivational. Although targeted toward teenagers and young adult readers, I think even adults will find this book rewarding and inspirational. Highly recommended!

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Maegen Lara, a counselor and psychotherapist, wrote Life Skills For Teens Toolkit to give teens important knowledge as they become more self-sufficient. The book focuses on nine specific life skills, but the author details many other topics. Lara discusses a positive mindset, adaptability, understanding and expressing emotions, balanced nutrition, safe sex, mental health, money management, establishing a positive digital presence, building healthy relationships and boundaries, time management, meal planning, basic first aid, and so much more. With relatable stories and helpful tips in every chapter, teenagers can be more self-aware and feel confident as they apply the material in the book and become more independent.

Many teens enter adulthood before they have washed a load of laundry or balanced a checking account. Often, even the most well-meaning caregivers can forget to tell teens to check their tire pressure or plan their meals for better savings. Maegen Lara's book helps fill in any possible gaps and supports the advice many educators and caregivers try to impart to teens. I plan to hand the book to my sixteen-year-old. She will benefit from the information, and I am especially curious about how she will react to Jessica's story, as she has a sibling with ADHD. Readers may return to the book to review the information, reading it cover-to-cover or jumping to an applicable section. If you're a teen hoping to prepare yourself for adulthood or a caregiver who wishes to inform your child about ways to be more self-sufficient, Life Skills for Teens Toolkit is a great selection.

Diana Lopez

From adolescence, responsibilities increase, but the traditional education system does not teach them how to face the real world. It is essential to develop personal skills to achieve success, and for this, we have the Life Skills For Teens Toolkit. Maegen Lara begins by addressing the management of emotions. She teaches how to maintain a positive mindset and find creative solutions to problems. Next, she explores how to care for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being to foster self-love and create a harmonious work environment. The author also addresses key topics, such as safe internet use and financial organization. She teaches skills to be independent, such as time management and cooking basics. Her guide offers tools for planning a balanced future that combines work, hobbies, and relaxation.

I loved Maegen Lara's explanations because each chapter presents a different topic. She offers useful tips, and her writing style is friendly, with realistic anecdotes and examples. I liked the breadth of her approach; she doesn't just talk about study and work but also advises on health, nutrition, and how to maintain and strengthen friendships. Her way of expressing herself is ideal for guiding teenagers, from how to deal with this stage to creating a CV to start their career. You can sense Maegen's interest in helping because the information is well documented and has many references to go deeper into the topics. In addition, the guide is practical because it includes easy-to-follow tips at the end of each chapter, such as keeping a diary to analyze changes and progress. Life Skills For Teens Toolkit encourages curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, helping young people develop independence and skills to face the world.