Lincoln's Angel

The Rebecca Pomroy Story

Fiction - Historical - Personage
398 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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Author Biography

DL Fowler graduated from the University of Southern California with a BA in Humanities and earned top honors at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey CA. For over two decades, he has immersed himself in historical sites and museums, scoured obscure source documents, and mined for clues in neglected footnotes to discover people from the margins whose contributions to history have been overlooked. Two of Fowler’s novels are curated in the Lincoln Presidential Library. His Lincoln Lecture Series earned him the nickname—The Lincoln Guy.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

In DL Fowler’s Lincoln’s Angel, Rebecca Pomroy’s story is shared and we learn about a simple woman who cared, one who was behind the scenes and yet so influential in the makings of a great man. Rebecca learned to care for others under the watchful eye of her father, taking note of those less fortunate, and those who needed a helping hand. After her father passed away tragically, Rebecca continued to care for those less fortunate, even though her family’s state of affairs had suddenly plummeted with the loss of the main breadwinner. During the Civil War, she worked as an army nurse and, after meeting with the Lincolns, she found her true calling in helping the president’s family in their time of need.

Too often in life, we overlook the simple people who come into our lives to make things better. Those who care for us and help us along what may sometimes be a difficult path. We tend to focus on the newsmakers, the big names that make history. Like Lincoln, the President of the United States and a man of great influence. DL Fowler’s historical novel, Lincoln’s Angel: The Rebecca Pomroy Story, unravels a forgotten piece of history. Told in the third person narrative, the plot follows Rebecca as she grows up, matures, takes on caring roles, and finally meets the presidential couple. The author has used many historical documents, including Rebecca’s daily journal and letters. The author writes with vivid sincerity, creating a meaningful tableau of real-life events that weave both fact and fiction into a compelling story. A fascinating read, one that inspires triumph over tragedy.