Longstretch and Lavender

A Wrenn Grayson Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
466 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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Author Biography

Bestselling author Connie Chappell writes both literary fiction and literary mystery. Longstretch and Lavender is her eighth mystery in the Wrenn Grayson series. She has also written the Wild Raspberries trilogy, a women’s contemporary series. A fourth novel, Every Cloud, crosses several genres: romance, mystery, and humor. She is the recipient of many honors and awards, including a commendation from the Ohio House of Representatives for her literary accomplishments. Chappell is a native of Springfield, Ohio. Learn more about the author and her novels by visiting her website.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Wrenn Grayson is the Foundling Museum’s archivist. She works with a team to prepare the museum for opening next year. It's an old mansion that belonged to a family with many secrets. Wrenn finds a map showing a curious structure called a folly. Amazed, Wrenn discovers that the folly has beautiful stained-glass windows created by Thomas Longstretch at the end of the nineteenth century. What if the images on the windows hint at the forbidden love between Longstretch and Leandra Hastings, the estate's mistress? Wrenn learns that Leandra's husband, Amos, lost a historical artifact under strange circumstances. The old postcards hold the clues to this mystery. Another drama unfolds around a contested redevelopment site. The developers threaten to destroy a unique lavender field. The competition gets out of control, and Wrenn must find ways to help one of the parties without damaging the other. Longstretch and Lavender by Connie Chappell, another installment in the Wrenn Grayson Mystery series, is for fans of mysteries, crime dramas, and detective novels.

Connie Chappell's Longstretch and Lavender is a witty tale with intriguing twists and turns. Those interested in historical research will appreciate the main character's approach toward her delicate mission of revealing and preserving historical evidence. Wrenn is highly intelligent and knows her field well. Wrenn not only studies the dry historical data; she sees human beings behind it. Wrenn is an inspiring and appealing character. I like the funny interactions between her and Bret Kilmore, a renowned security expert. Leandra's character is beguiling, and her bittersweet love story resonates with sympathetic readers. The first-person narrative is smooth and evenly paced. Chappell easily glides from one historical period to another, engaging our attention. Both storylines are compelling, and the one concerning the lavender field has an unexpected whimsical element. This brilliant combination of cozy mystery and historical fiction will satisfy readers.