Lookin' for Love

A Novel

Christian - Fiction
408 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Lookin' for Love is a work of fiction penned by author Susen Edwards in the Christian, interpersonal drama, and slice-of-life genres. Inspired by a true story, the plot follows Ava, a young mother, from the 1970s go-go bars to the heart of Florida's drug trade, a Kenyan prison, and ultimately to a place of recovery and forgiveness. In 1963, nineteen-year-old Ava marries a violent alcoholic and is disowned by her abusive mother. Turning to go-go dancing to support her children, she meets Mike, a drug dealer who promises her a better life. However, their involvement with a major drug smuggling organization leads to their arrest in Kenya. After serving time in prison, Ava battles addiction before ultimately finding faith, forgiveness, and love.

Author Susen Edwards puts heart and soul into this evocative work to craft an emotional journey based on real events. Ava’s story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, depicting the harsh realities of addiction and the dark side of the 1970s go-go dancing and drug trade with vivid descriptions that are multi-sensory and totally immersive. The storyline of Ava’s struggles, from her tumultuous relationships to the oppressive environment of a Kenyan prison, evokes a profound sense of empathy and sorrow thanks to the author’s commitment to detail in every speech, thought, and action Ava makes. Her ultimate journey to redemption through faith and forgiveness is deeply moving, and the narrative flows with confidence and pathos into the portrayal of her descent into addiction and subsequent recovery. The dialogue and general tone felt raw and authentic, shedding light on the complex nature of addiction and the strength required to overcome it from a personal perspective that links closely to faith. Overall, Lookin' for Love is a powerful work that fans of uplifting, realistic fiction everywhere will appreciate.