Lost Family

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
282 Pages
Reviewed on 05/20/2024
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Author Biography

I was inspired to write this book just before Covid turned the world upside down. Someone had told me a story about their grandmother, and that he had no idea of who she actually was until after she had died. I believe there are many tales such as this - family secrets that are kept hidden for many different reasons and it sparked an idea in my head.
With plenty of hours to dream during lockdown, I came up with the different timelines - the story of Ben in the present day and Amelie in World War II. The themes of love, endurance, bravery and resilience weave their way through both stories.
I started writing about five years ago, never imagining that I would have two books published by the time I was in my seventies. The Glovemakers War was published in 2022. It has been an exciting journey and I still have a lot to learn!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

Lost Family by Katherine Williams is a wonderful down-to-earth story about a time in history that most people would like to forget, especially when innocent people have lost their lives because of jealousy, greed, and envy. This fast-moving story starts just before Covid-19 in 2020 and jumps back to 1939, the start of the end of the war in 1945, and a village in France called Sable-Sur-Manse. The main characters, Ben and Amelie, take the reader on a journey that is fraught with danger, love, joy, and birth. The characters show the reader just how judgmental people can be and how they think that they are always right. When the truth comes out, they would rather cover it up than face the fact that they were responsible for the deaths of innocent people just because they were so petty-minded.

Lost Family by Katherine Williams captures the reader's attention from the opening page to the very last one with a twist in the tale that is unexpected and not what the reader is expecting. This is a most interesting look into the everyday lives of the people who lived through the Second World War and helped the Resistance fight from inside France. The journey is one of joy, love, hatred, war and loss. It brings to light what some people did during the Second World War to keep whole villages safe with the sacrifices of their own lives and those of their families. But good will always triumph over evil. The author portrays this concept most beautifully in this book. Thank you for a wonderful story. Katherine. It held me spellbound and I was sorry when the book came to an end. It is well worth more than one read. Very well written and grips the reader to the end.