Love on Target

Pink Pistol Sisterhood Series Book 2

Christian - Romance - Historical
206 Pages
Reviewed on 07/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

In Love on Target, author Shanna Hatfield tells a heartwarming tale set against the rugged backdrop of Oregon’s mining country in the late 19th century. Rena Burke, the resilient and determined protagonist, embarks on a journey from Texas with little more than her father's pistol and a steadfast mule for company. Determined to forge a new life, Rena takes on a daring job working with explosives at a local mine while nurturing dreams inspired by her idol, Annie Oakley, and quietly yearning for companionship. Josh Gatlin is a saddlemaker whose world revolves around his beloved daughter, Gabi. Devoted to providing his child with a stable and loving environment, Josh finds himself unexpectedly drawn to Rena, a woman who challenges his preconceptions of a suitable wife and mother. Clad in trousers and fiercely independent, Rena stands in stark contrast to Josh's ideals, yet her courage and spirit begin to undo the walls around his heart.

It's refreshing to see a resurgence of Western novels, and Shanna Hatfield masters the genre. Love on Target is well-paced, with a perfect “save the cat” moment that sets up Rena as a likable character that readers care about. Hatfield skillfully weaves together themes of resilience, forgiveness, and the transformative power of love. The narrative blends tender moments with the rugged realities of frontier life, creating a compelling read. Fans of Western romance will find much to love in this novel—characters to root for, a setting that comes alive, and a love story that defies conventions. It's a testament to the author's ability to craft an engaging narrative that transports readers to another time and place, leaving them eagerly awaiting her next literary journey. Hopefully, the wait won’t be too long.