Lowcountry Charm

A Palm Court Suspense

Romance - Suspense
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Lowcountry Charm is a supernatural thriller by Stephanie Edwards. Nancy Parsons' life is struck by unimaginable tragedy when her son Wesley and daughter-in-law MaryAnne both pass away in an accident. Left to care for her five grandsons in her son's home on the Isle of Palms, Nancy soon finds herself in even more turmoil when strange events start unfolding around her. After stumbling upon her mother's bracelet and prayer box charm, Nancy starts receiving messages about a malevolent entity that threatens her and her grandsons. Leaving her grandsons in the care of her best friend, Julia Caroline, Nancy travels to her childhood hometown, where she meets her old friend, Genieve. However, Genieve has plans of her own. Can Nancy get rid of her enemies and protect her family? Will she ever find love again?

With a seamless mix of romance, mystery, and suspense alongside a dash of the paranormal, Stephanie Edwards delivers an absorbing thriller you don't want to miss. Captivating from start to finish, Lowcountry Charm is a treat for supernatural fiction lovers. The author moves the plot at a brisk pace with a few well-placed twists, turns, and reveals that keep the reader hooked all the way through. As a protagonist, Nancy is a very compelling character. She has a tragic past and faces some seemingly overwhelming challenges. But she is determined never to let anyone harm her family. I thoroughly enjoyed her renewed romance with Brian and her friendship with Julia. Genieve is another character that I think readers will find very interesting. The book ends on a hopeful note, and I really appreciate it. Overall, this novel is bound to appeal to fans of romance and supernatural thrillers.