Luck and Love in 1902

A Novella

Romance - Historical
148 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2024
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Author Biography

Jody Gorran has led an eclectic life. As an adult, Jody created his own luck and reality as a lifelong serial entrepreneur, product designer, inventor, and marketer and never held a job working for someone other than himself. He also found time to be an active volunteer firefighter and reserve deputy sheriff. In addition, he originated the Volunteers For Children Act, a piece of child safety legislation signed into law by President Clinton. He’s written several unproduced screenplays, and “Luck and Love in 1902” is his first published work of fiction.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Jody Gorran's Luck and Love in 1902 is a captivating story that follows the journey of Ethan Woodward. After being romantically rejected, Ethan attempts to get a job at The World, the most-read newspaper in America. He hopes to expand his horizons as a newspaper reporter and have new experiences. Unfortunately, he is rejected and left feeling lost and contemplating suicide. Fortunately, a sailor headed for Saint-Pierre, Martinique saves his life, giving him hope and inviting him to join his crew. Ethan meets Alice, an heiress, with whom he has an instant connection. Alice informs him that she is engaged and wishes to stay loyal to her fiancé, Jean-Paul Moreau. Upon reaching Martinique, Ethan gets familiar with the local political scene and forms connections with the residents. By mere chance, he uncovers a sinister plot that might endanger Alice’s life. With the island's volcano on the verge of eruption, Ethan must race against time to protect those he has come to care for.

Luck and Love in 1902 by Jody Gorran is an intriguing story with an engaging plot and interesting characters. It transports readers in time, giving them vivid descriptions of early 20th-century lifestyle and culture. The book has a perfect blend of adventure, romance, and self-discovery. Ethan and Alice are admirable characters that you cannot help rooting for. Their chemistry was immediate and skillfully crafted, ensuring readers become emotionally invested in their journey and development. The looming volcanic eruption perfectly serves as a metaphor for the rising tension in the story. Finally, the plot twist aligns with the themes of resilience and hope. Overall, this is a great read for all historical adventure fans.