Luscious Bite

An Enchanted Mates Romance

Romance - Paranormal
339 Pages
Reviewed on 07/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

Luscious Bite by Sara Ohlin follows the devilishly handsome Nikolav Sarkozy, a seven-hundred-year-old vampire who ironically works as a doctor. Niko does his best to save lives rather than take them and while he’s usually focused on his job, there is one thing that seems to always draw his attention; Francesca Banetti. Francesca is a sweet girl who is passionate about what she does; however, she has a supernatural secret herself. When her powers lead her into the middle of something dark and terrible, it is up to Niko to save his woman, only he isn’t entirely ready to admit she is his.

Luscious Bite by Sara Ohlin is such a good read! I immediately fell in love with the main characters, especially Francesca. I love the fact that Ohlin described her as someone beautiful yet not in the usual sociably acceptable way. Instead of having otherworldly beauty, she was more of a real and relatable woman both in her thoughts and actions. I found her character to be endearing and especially enjoyed learning about her backstory. I also enjoyed the build-up of Niko and Francesca’s relationship. I think it was really well-paced and allows the reader to get to know both characters first before falling in love with them together. Overall, I found Luscious Bite to be an amazingly written supernatural romance with twists and turns that keep the reader on their toes. Ohlin is a wonderful author and I look forward to seeing more of her work.