Maggie's Red Circus Bus

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

I remember those simple summer days of imaginative fun. Like planning and preparing for one’s own little circus, usually with the neighborhood children in someone’s backyard. There’s lots of anticipation and creative fun as costumes are assembled and props made. And then the big day arrives. That’s what happens to the Playbus in Sue Wickstead’s Maggie’s Red Circus Bus. Everyone is happily getting ready for their own little circus, all the preparations being done on the Playbus. There’s a buzz in the air and lots of positive energy as Maggie drives the Playbus which becomes the Circus Bus. The bus drives the children, now the circus performers, through the town. Everyone, including the town’s mayor, is impressed with the children and their circus antics.

Sue Wickstead’s picture book, Maggie’s Red Circus Bus, is another grand adventure in the Playbus series. The author has a gift for making every one of Maggie’s Playbus stories full of imagination, creativity, and lots of fun, laughter, and adventure. The language is simple, so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills. The illustrations, as always, are superb: bright, bold, colorful, and full of life. There’s so much to discover in each picture, adding to the grand adventure. The plot is also simple, following the children’s plan for a circus to the great event itself. There’s talent and laughter amongst the children, but the message is how everyone gets along and works well together. This is a great read for children, one that will inspire creative adventures.