Master of the Scam

Fiction - Crime
421 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

Master of the Scam by Aaron Knight tells the captivating tale of young Jack Wagner, a sailor whose life is forever changed after he survives a near-death experience. Set in 1937, during the Great Depression, Jack is struck by a truck while crossing at an intersection. During the trial, the blameworthy truck driver denies accountability for the incident. Furthermore, the corrupt insurance company pays multiple false witnesses to testify against Jack, resulting in him losing the case. Eventually, he is relieved of his maritime duties because of his compromised health. Fueled by revenge, Jack becomes an apt con man and begins cleverly scamming the same corrupt insurance company that destroyed his life. Meanwhile, Jack reconnects with an old love interest, Mary, who convinces him to give up his nefarious lifestyle. But is it too late for Jack? Someone knows about his illicit activities and becomes obsessed with seeing Jack answer for his crimes. How will Jack and Mary's story end? You will have to read the book to find out.

Aaron Knight regales readers with an excellent rendition of Jack's transformative character development. When the story starts, Jack is far from being a saint. Having spent most of his life at sea and on the move, Jack develops a somewhat skewed moral outlook on life at an early age. However, having faced injustice at the hands of a legal system that swore to protect the innocent, Jack's outlook on justice began to change. Readers cannot help but empathize with him, even though he is obsessed with getting revenge against the people who wronged him. Readers will get a close-up view of Jack's vulnerability, which leads to his gradual reformation. Jack’s character is very dynamic and complex. Naturally, he undergoes the most character development throughout the novel, and I loved reading every moment of his redemption arc. The Great Depression and international instability created by World War II added drama to the already tense atmosphere. The author does a marvelous job of presenting the social and political anxieties brought on by these life-changing historical events. If you are a fan of historical fiction, you will want to read Master of the Scam next. Enjoy!