
An MM Action Adventure Thriller

Fiction - LGBTQ
767 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Maxym by Patrick C. Notchtree is an LGBTQ action-adventure thriller that follows Maxym, a Chechen orphan adopted by Russian militia after his parents' brutal murder. Trained as an assassin, Maxym's life is shaped by vengeance, violence, and his internal struggle with his suppressed homosexuality. The novel spans his perilous missions across war zones in Syria, Africa, Iraq, and beyond, while also addressing the fraught relationship between Ukraine and Russia. Inspired by true events, the novel offers a gripping exploration of revenge, identity, and loyalty in the shadow of Russia's political and social constraints. Notchtree's fearless portrayal of Maxym's complex psyche, blending strong visceral elements like violence, sexuality, and vengeance, offers readers a raw and hauntingly authentic character study that's not for the fainthearted.

The action sequences are meticulously crafted, blending high-octane thrills with sudden injections of emotional depth, ensuring that the novel's intensity resonates beyond just its physical conflicts and that we see the harrowing after-effects of violence. I was particularly struck by Patrick C. Notchtree's ability to interweave personal trauma with larger political issues, and this approach makes the story a compelling commentary on world tensions that gives you a lot to think about in the outside world. The novel's exploration of suppressed identity in a hostile environment is powerful, shedding light on the emotional and psychological toll of living in a society that denies true self-expression. I found myself deeply moved by Maxym's struggles, both internal and external, and gained an even deeper perspective on the complexities of identity and survival in oppressive environments as a result. Overall, I would highly recommend Maxym to readers who appreciate intense, thought-provoking thrillers that don't shy away from challenging themes and complex characters.