Med Spa Mayhem

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Secrets of the Aesthetic Industry

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
187 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Francis Mont for Readers' Favorite

Med Spa Mayhem: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Secrets of the Aesthetic Industry by Dr. Kate Dee is a fascinating book and a goldmine of information for anyone considering using a Med Spa for aesthetic improvement. It starts as an autobiography with the author’s journey through medical school, residency, and finally as an MD, a radiology expert specializing in breast cancer imaging. After that, her career took a surprising turn when she left the hospital and started her own business as the owner of a health spa, performing treatments in medical aesthetics. We are given a brief introduction to the US medical industry, familiarized with the basic concepts, and then explained how the health spa industry started, progressed, and its status today – both successes and failures.

What I loved about this book is its objectivity, thoroughness, and unapologetic critique of some of the practices prevalent in the industry. It is mostly unsupervised and unregulated and some unconscionable operators use many of the loopholes to run their business in unsafe and often illegal ways. In addition to providing a thorough description of all the different treatments available, she points out the benefits and dangers associated with each. She also advises potential users of a Med Spa on how to find out if the owner is running a legitimate and professional business, so the procedures are as safely administered as possible. Many actual examples from her own practice, as well as other documented cases, are described, highlighting potential dangers and successes. I highly recommend Med Spa Mayhem by Dr. Kate Dee to anyone who wants to find a safe and helpful procedure, performed by a legal and ethical Med Spa business.