Meet Little Lizard

Adventures with Little Lizard Book 1

Children - Adventure
26 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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Author Biography

Trained from a young age, Caelan Crawford always enjoyed developing her creative, artistic talents. Throughout the years of expressing and growing her artistic gifts, she was also raised around gardens and plants. At first art and plants were simply individual hobbies, but when Caelan found a job at her local garden center, her dream of being an artist collided with her love of growing plants. Inspired by all the beauty and knowledge surrounding her, Caelan set out to share her own learning experiences in a simplified way through Little Lizard. Besides Little Lizard books, Caelan also is creating dragon coloring books, short stories, art commissions, comic books, and more, for every age to enjoy! Caelan is a native born Texan and resides in Georgetown, TX. You can experience more of Caelan's work or reach out to her with requests/questions on her Instagram or Facebook @CaelanCrawford.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

Meet Little Lizard by Caelan Crawford begins by setting a tone of happy discovery of a softly-hued reptile, small enough to be comfortable in a beautiful flower—something akin to a multi-hued lily or gladiola—a blossoming home shared with a tiny butterfly and other like surprises. Rather than straightforward storytelling, the intent is to bring the young reader into Little Lizard’s wondrous realm. By way of introduction, the author enthusiastically initiates an ongoing conversation with the reader. As if sharing a charming secret, she whispers whether love for hugs is mutual, seeming ready to jump out of the pages and throw her arms around her new companion. At times, the queries become a bit more challenging. When pointing out some of her lizard friends expressing different emotions through body language, Little Lizard asks what is similar, stimulating independent thought. The highlight of this pleasant stroll is when she excitedly talks about her love of plants and eagerly initiates a tour of the garden, which comprises most of the remainder of the tale as there is much to show and tell.
In reading Meet Little Lizard, young children will likely come away with a change in perspective, which may encourage them to clean their plates filled with eggplant and zucchini. They will also learn about the joys of tending and nurturing. More than one garden is being cared for as they see how little it takes to be content. Not only is there gentle guidance throughout the narrative, but the author’s exquisite illustrations provide complementary beauty. Caelan Crawford understands how children form bonds and is highly knowledgeable about how they optimally learn, making this tale a wonderful choice for parents and children to share. Meet Little Lizard is an exceptional book. It expertly encourages children to consider what matters most while evoking smiles and giggles.