Midnight Waltz

Infernal Symphony Book 1

Young Adult - Paranormal
264 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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Author Biography

Maria Giakoumatos has been interested in all things spooky since she was too small to ride the fun roller coasters in amusement parks. She probably would have become a paranormal investigator if she wasn't afraid of the dark, so she settled for just writing about spirits. Her family often took her to church as a child, so that may explain some things.

When she isn't writing her wacky stories, Maria spends her free time playing piano, video games, watching horror movies, and exploring spooky locations. She currently lives in Renton, Washington, with her partner and little parrot named Rowley.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Midnight Waltz: Infernal Symphony Book 1 by Maria GIakoumatos is a young adult paranormal fantasy novel that follows Anthony, who stumbles upon Emily Mavro, a girl cursed to rise from her grave each full moon, in search of a soul to replace her stolen one. After Anthony’s friends drag him to the abandoned Mavro Manor for a thrill, he is pulled into a battle between two opposing forces: Eden, a group of paranormal investigators, and Lucifer’s Disciples, a sinister cult controlling Emily’s soul. Anthony must fight to protect his new friend and save Emily from the demons of her past. The author brings an incredibly engaging paranormal world to life, blending her unique take on demonic lore with a fresh, imaginative twist on the idea of curses, destiny, and breaking free of the cycle.

Author Maria GIakoumatos offers the kind of young adult novel I adore most, packed with gothic touches and sharp urban twists. The eerie setting of Mavro Manor and the ongoing battle with dark forces are atmospheric and vivid from every angle, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that immerses us in this haunted and exciting world but always has us looking over our shoulders for the next surprise. I also really enjoyed the dynamic between Anthony and Emily and found myself invested in Anthony’s evolving sense of responsibility, while Emily's tragic history unfolds in such a natural and engrossing way as we root for her more and more. The author explores meaningful and timely themes for the YA readership like relationships, guilt, personal sacrifice, and the power of friendship in the face of overwhelming darkness, offering heartwarming life lessons to take away and cherish. Overall, Midnight Waltz is a highly recommended series opener, and I can’t wait to see what else this talented fantasy author has in store for us.