
A Remembrance of Childhood

Non-Fiction - Memoir
573 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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Author Biography

James B. Farmer is a retired lawyer who grew up as the son of a Navy Pilot who moved his family around the U.S. and the world. By the time he left his family for college at Cornell University, he’d lived in 18 houses in 11 cities located on 2 continents; an experience which he believes has heightened recollections of his early years and the impact such years have had on his life perspectives.

After obtaining his BA from Cornell University, he spent three months traveling throughout Europe and then subsequently obtained an MCRP and LLB from The Ohio State University. During his legal career working for several major corporations and law firms, his practice was focused on mergers and acquisitions.

After almost forty years of drafting contracts designed to resolve other people’s problems, he decided that the best kind of lawyer is a “retired lawyer,” who now has the time to write the books he’d always wanted to write.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Cydney Menihan for Readers' Favorite

Morocco: A Remembrance of Childhood by James B. Farmer is narrated through the eyes and adventures of a five-year-old boy as he embarks on the first of many journeys. The book opens as his Navy family moves from America's heartland to Morocco in the mid-1950s for his Navy pilot father's tour of duty. From there, the reader travels throughout French Morocco from the beaches to the Atlas Mountains to ancient towns, souks, and medinas, all while his mother explains in depth the history of each historic sight, all laced with colorful people, unique sounds, and aromas of never-before-tasted cuisine. Not to mention the storks, camels, and his pet dog, Snooper! Additionally, Farmer includes personal family dynamics that affect military families; the frequent meeting and leaving of friends and bullies, as well as his unforgettable Moroccan "nanny", Kabira.

Although much of the narrator's observations and perceptions seem to be beyond that of even the most precocious five-year-old, James B. Farmer's writing flows eloquently, and his descriptions pull the reader right into the scene. The incorporation of contemporaneous political events occurring in the United States and Morocco brings reality to the forefront. Farmer successfully blends his memories with the history of both countries, bringing to life the beauty of Moroccan philosophies of family and community as opposed to the divisiveness being seen in so much of the world. Morocco: A Remembrance of Childhood is the perfect book for those who love human interest, travel adventure, politics, and history blended into an enviable journey. What a lucky kid!