Mr. Kerfuffle Lost His Duffle

Children - Picture Book
34 Pages
Reviewed on 05/25/2024
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Author Biography

Though children’s author R.W. Starr has enjoyed writing poetry and storytelling since he was in high school, it wasn’t until he retired from U.S. Federal Service and met his fiancee that his passion for the written word was rekindled, sparking his foray into children’s books. The result are his six animal-themed stories for children, including A Journey Down Under: Some of Australia’s Amazing Creatures, inspired by his current hometown of Perth, Australia.
Starr believes a great kids’ book is one with loveable characters, artwork that brings the story to life, and shares knowledge. He hopes his young readers come away from his stories having learned fun facts about animals around the world and with a joy of reading that stays with them long after the book is closed.
A cancer survivor, when he isn’t busy writing children’s books, Starr enjoys fly fishing, exercising, stargazing with his fiancee Jade, and taking care of their three dogs. Originally hailing from Maine, Starr has lived in San Diego, California, Seattle, Washington, and Washington, D.C., before calling Perth, Australia his home.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Mr. Kerfuffle Lost His Duffle by R.W. Starr is a delightful and charming story about a friendly ogre with big dreams. Mr. Kerfuffle proves that not all ogres are the same as he works to care for the forest and all his friends. But as much as he loves the forest, he still has big dreams. He dreams of sailing around the world and making discoveries in new lands. Before he can leave, first he needs to pack, which means he needs his duffle. But he has a problem. He can’t find his duffle anywhere. With the help of his friends, he searches every part of his home in the hope that he’ll be able to leave and see the world. The story is upbeat, though the worry he has about losing his duffle is genuine and children will be able to relate to the feeling.

The story flips the idea of a scary ogre and introduces one that is friendly and kind, creating a colorful character that will catch children’s attention. The illustrations by Serena Santa Maria show a lovely character with bright eyes and a sweet attitude. He represents an easy-to-understand journey to follow your dreams and never give up until you achieve them. These detailed illustrations show the magic and wonder of his woodland home. This is a great setting with a fairytale essence that feels wholesome and creates a fun backdrop for Mr. Kerfuffle. R.W. Starr weaves in an interactive aspect that enables children to take part in the search. The interaction is also seen through his various friends who answer Mr. Kerfuffle’s questions as he searches. The writing is humorous and childlike with cute moments such as Mr. Kerfuffle even looking under his toe. Being a children’s book, the story is complete and has a happy conclusion where he finds his duffle. Mr. Kerfuffle Lost His Duffle is a lighthearted story with a message woven into a delightful mystery.