Mr. Robert's Lagoon

A Tale of New Science

Young Adult - Non-Fiction
50 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Hop on for a fascinating wilderness adventure in ancient Greece with Robert Bullock's Mr. Robert's Lagoon. Complemented by captivating illustrations, the book follows the experiences of the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle on a tour of Lesbos, an island in the Aegean Sea. In 345 BC, Plato passed away, and Aristotle was trying to distance himself from the world of Athenian politics and philosophy. At the invitation of his friend and ex-pupil Theophrostus, Aristotle arrives on Lesbos to spend some time amid nature. He travels to the town of Pyrrha on the Bay of Kalloni and is mesmerized by its beauty and wildlife. Aristotle begins to note the habits of the local creatures, including the Scops owl, the Persian squirrel, the Balkan green lizard, and many more. He also visits the nearby lagoon and catches fish with the local fishermen.

Immerse yourself in the natural wonders of ancient Greece with this enchanting book. Mr. Robert's Lagoon engages the reader every step of the way, taking them on a nature odyssey with one of history's greatest philosophers. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of this illustrated book is that it educates and entertains in equal measure. Author Robert Bullock provides vivid descriptions with his brief snippets on the flora and fauna of Lesbos while adding a historical flavor to the narrative. Nature lovers will find a lot to love about this book. The enthralling pictures invigorate readers visually and provide a visual context to the educational information in Aristotle's notes. I learned a few interesting facts from this book about some animals I didn't even know existed before. I highly recommend it to preteen readers and young adults alike.