Murderous Beauty

Fiction - Action
431 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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Author Biography

Crime novelist Philip Arklow is considered a factional, page-turning writer. Based on real facts, he creates fictional stories drawn from his deep expertise in the security and pharmacy world. He is in his mid-fifties and a full-time author, living primarily in his native Belgium.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Murderous Beauty is a fast-paced action-packed thriller by Philip Arklow. Sir Gordon Harris and his pharmaceutical team at CytoSerum are working on a ground-breaking treatment for Alzheimer's disease. A jealous rival, Duke Gwylim Hemmingway, will stop at nothing to get his hands on CytoSerum. For his mission, he hires a ruthless assassin, Benissa, a.k.a. Nessy, who poses as a man to evade police capture. The mission is to assassinate researcher Jeremy Salisbury, intimidate Lord Graham Vince, chairman of the board by hanging a clear message around the neck of his favorite thoroughbred horse, and finally kill Gordon’s soon-to-be son-in-law Ambrose Garside. Meanwhile, the Duke hires two Chechen thugs, Yevgeni and Yuri, to kidnap Gordon Harris' daughter Sara, who is tortured, raped, and a ransom sex DVD is made of her. It's a race against time between Scotland Yard, MI5, MI6, and Sara’s family to save her and capture an assassin and the true mastermind behind the atrocities.

Taking place between London and Sierra Leone, Murderous Beauty is an enthralling ride into the world of assassins and murderers. Philip Arklow has crafted several larger-than-life heroes and villains in a riveting plot; they are realistic, persuasive, and believable. Throughout the well-written and researched narrative, every detail convinces readers and influences their emotions to believe in the characters, events, and scenes. The book is instantly engrossing with its plot and questions about good and evil cleverly woven together. This novel has it all: murder, suspense, action, revenge, justice, and forgiveness. There is a feeling of urgency and danger throughout, connecting the reader to the protagonists in a true battle of wits. Murderous Beauty is a compelling read full of twists and turns, and it is unputdownable. It contains graphic violence and sexual scenes that enhance the plot. Philip Arklow has created a masterpiece for thought-provoking, edge-of-your-seat crime fiction fans!

Stephanie Chapman

Philip Arklow’s Murderous Beauty is a psychological thriller with multiple points of view. Gordon Harris, the owner of CytoSerum, refuses to sell his business. He has been receiving threatening emails, bugs planted throughout his office, and strange phone calls. Gordon enlists two bodyguards to ensure his daughter’s safety. Sara is a skilled pharmacist engaged to Ambrose Garside who has been working on CytoSerum’s Joshua Project. Ambrose and Gordon are in an armored Mercedes when John Grisham, a bodyguard and driver, realizes they are being followed by motorcyclists. The drive doesn’t end well when the bikers fire at the car. Meanwhile, Sara receives a call from her wedding planner, who convinces her to walk the three blocks to see a new dress style. Less than a block away, Youri and Yevgeni kidnap Sara. Duke Gwilynn received a call from the bikers reporting that they were unsuccessful. He fires them and brings in hitman Nigel Chamberlain, who has never failed in getting a job done.

Murderous Beauty captured my attention from the beginning. Philip Arklow created intense suspense by transitioning between the view of a skilled assassin, a private detective who becomes nosey, and the abuse Sara endures from her captors. The acts of Youri and Yevgeni horrified me. I understood why Sara didn’t fight back after Yevgeni showed what his trained dogs would do if she refused. The assassin’s skill in avoiding cameras with intel provided by Cee-jay makes the targets unaware of the danger until the last second. The thoroughness of making each kill look like an accident was remarkable. I couldn’t put this thriller down. Arklow accelerated the pace with precision, and the transitions were seamless throughout the entire book. The cliffhanger ending left me in a state of shock. Readers who enjoy psychological, realistic thrillers will find Murderous Beauty perfect. I cannot wait to read the sequel.