My Bad Tequila

Parts of a True Story

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
232 Pages
Reviewed on 06/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

My Bad Tequila: Parts of a True Story by Rico Austin is based on the author's personal experiences. A group of students was on Spring Break and on their way to a Mexican beach by the Sea of Cortez. Rhet wanted to party, drink, and have fun, and other students joined him when he proposed that they go to Club Med to party with the upper class. However, they had to take the bus or find a ride because no taxis were available. Rhet waved at a pickup truck to get it to stop because he was tired of waiting for the bus. The choices Rhet made impacted several people and him and would later affect his family and friends. A trip that was meant to be enjoyable and a memorable experience turned into an unpleasant walk through life.

In My Bad Tequila by Rico Austin, Rhet’s life changed forever during the trip. The photographs supported and confirmed his story. The descriptions of the events were vivid, and I had a hard time putting this book down. It explored the wild side of Rhet's life, during which he acknowledged his shortcomings. The unfolding events began innocently enough, yet several characters were permanently changed by the end of the trip. He regretted his choices, and there were so many ifs that if just one thing had been done differently, the outcome of several of their lives, including his own, would have been different. Writing a book addressing both good and negative things took courage and honesty. The story is a page-turner and has one of the best endings I have read.