My Brother is AU-Mazing!

Children - Social Issues
31 Pages
Reviewed on 11/29/2022
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Author Biography

Bethany Lynn lives in Indiana with her husband and her two wonderful children. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading books (and writing them), drinking coffee, and going on fun adventures. Bethany has always wanted to write stories for children that make social topics easy to discuss; such as empathy, kindness, inclusion, awareness, and acceptance, while also making reading books fun for each child. Her debut children's book, "My Brother is AU-Mazing!" is inspired by her own two children. Her 11-year-old son, who has non-verbal autism, and her 6-year-old daughter, who both mean the world to her and inspire her every single day.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

My Brother Is AU-Mazing! by Bethany Lynn is an AU-mazing children’s book. While the book deals with the many complications of Noah’s autism, it also deals with his sister. Too often, the siblings of differently-abled children fall through the cracks. Bethany does not say that Noah is autistic because he is so much more than his problems. He is not disabled, but he is differently abled. Bethany explains that autism is when your brain works differently than others. This presents many challenges. Noah is non-verbal but can communicate through sign language and a tablet. Children on the autism spectrum can be loud, struggle with change, and be overwhelmed by noise. Even though they may find it difficult to concentrate, they often have one endeavor they love and excel at. This book shows life with autism as it is.

Our son is forty-two years old and is on the autism spectrum. He faced many challenges as he grew up but does fairly well. I never say someone is disabled because everyone has abilities. Their abilities may be different, but they are still able. Bethany Lynn does an excellent job of presenting what it is like to live with autism in My Brother Is AU-Mazing! Instead of going into deeply technical explanations, Bethany explains autism in simple terms that even children can understand. Children will learn much about other children who may appear or act differently and understand how to show empathy. Many children with autism struggle to explain what they are experiencing. This book helps others understand the struggles. The illustrations by AnitaDraws4Kids add to the enjoyment of this book. Read this book with your children and then discuss how to love and accept those who are differently-abled. The resources to be found at the back of this book are invaluable.

Era Carroll

Very Insightful
One of the best books to give insight into the domain of Autism. Many people on the Spectrum are not fully understood and viewed as damaged. People with Autism are truly some of the most amazing individuals. We should all step back and learn something from their perspective.


I have an adult nephew who is autistic and this would have been perfect for me to explain to his cousins and siblings about him when he was growing up. It’s informative while touching and has a beautiful message about acceptance. There is nothing wrong with the way you were created

Bogdan Ivanov

A fantastic kids' book about autism!
This book is an excellent resource for teaching kids about autism. I really enjoyed this heartwarming and beautiful story from the sister's perspective. Also, the colors of the illustrations are sooo cute and captivating—a recommendation from me.


Wholesome and educational
Loved how explanatory the illustrations were that even incorporated sign language! Great addition to the classroom and for any family going through a similar journey.


Good book to teach kids what autism is. And liked the story from the sister's perspective. Also good colors/illustrations

David J.

What a joyous book!
I cannot think of a better way to help children understand the challenges of autism than through sharing this book with them. Told from a sister's point of view, it allows the reader to understand the ups and downs and challenges an autistic child might be facing. And teaches love and support and all the ways that they can be helped in almost any situation. The illustrations are delightful and add so much to the telling of the story of these siblings. An important book that should be read to your children and in classrooms or libraries! It is told with such love and understanding.


Thoughtful and lovely messages.
What a thoughtful children's book, with lovely messages and stunning illustrations. I will definitely be recommending this to all my friends with young ones and to my teacher friends too. The story is told from the younger sister's perspective, and while obviously written by an adult, it captures all the love and genuineness of a child.

Ana Vanessa

Wonderful and useful
This book is so sweet. Addy is the younger sister, but she is very protective of her brother Noah. She shows us what is like to be part of his daily life. I love how this book spreads awareness and even teaches a little sign language. Beautiful illustrations.


Addy loves her brother!
Addy gives us a glimpse into her life with Noah. She leads us through their daily lives, making us aware that autism can have many facets. Addy is always there for Noah, even though she is the "little" sister, she always comes through. Autism awareness is Addy's mission as she spreads the joys and frustrations of living with her brother. She is honest, truthful, and loving; setting an example for all of us.

This book has beautiful graphics of Addy's and Noah's adventures.

Kate Kropp

As the mother of three children with one on the spectrum I absolutely love this book. The illustrations are fun and vibrant and the message is perfect. My son, though not nonverbal, connected with the brother in this book, as the oldest child in our house. He recognized himself in the character and loved that his differences were celebrated. The sister is supportive and loving just like my son's siblings. My other kids also loved this book and immediately hugged their brother after we read the book as a family. It was a moving experience and perfect for me to talk about Autism with all my kids. The best books allow kids to recognize themselves in the story and open the door to conversations. This book does both!


Very well written!
Love the way this book is written and all the illustrations! Very relatable book for siblings of those with autism.


I purchased this book for my cousin's daughter. She is 6 years old and her twin brother is autistic. She absolutely loves to read books and I just knew this one was going to resonate with her. She LOVED it! She kept saying to my cousin "That's just like my brother". After reading it all the way through, she looked at her mom and said one last time "That's just like my brother, and he is AU-Mazing!". I'd say we hit a home run buying this book.


This is such a wonderful book for kids and adults to learn more about what it means to be autistic. I absolutely adored this book. My son especially loved learning the little bit of sign language in it. I highly recommend this to any parent even if you don't have an autistic child in your life. It's so important for us to understand what it means and how it affects a child, siblings, and parents.

R.M. Krogman

Bethany Lynn's "My Brother Is AU-MAZING!" is a wonderful children's book that boasts joyfully colorful illustrations to pair with an educational celebration of neurodivergent siblings. Although the story features nonverbal autism, many of the lessons can apply to varying expressions of autism. These can be difficult for other children and many adults to understand, and I love than Lynn has written a book for siblings too.

I recommend this children's book for any family with an autistic member, especially if they live with a sibling. I also appreciated the list of resources at the end.*

M Shays

I immediately read this after getting it. It's such a lovely story. I think it's perfect for teaching children (sadly many adults as well) that people who are different deserve to be respected & accepted. It's a great story for any child dealing with something that makes them feel different or like an outcast or to help teach children how to understand & accept other people that have autism or other learning or social disorders that make it difficult to interact with others. It can help us all understand that we need to work to include everyone regardless of how they might be unlike us. If we can all learn there's beauty in all forms & not everyone will look & act the same way, but they still can make wonderful contributions to the world & deserve love like everyone else! Thank you, Bethany, for making this beautiful story!


I purchased this book for my cousin's daughter. She is 6 years old and her twin brother is autistic. She absolutely loves to read books and I just knew this one was going to resonate with her. She LOVED it! She kept saying to my cousin "That's just like my brother". After reading it all the way through, she looked at her mom and said one last time "That's just like my brother, and he is AU-Mazing!". I'd say we hit a home run buying this book.


I’ve been a teacher for 20 years and this is a wonderful, and accurate representation. The art work is perfect for the message. Excellent.


This is such a wonderful book for kids and adults to learn more about what it means to be autistic. I absolutely adored this book. My son especially loved learning the little bit of sign language in it. I highly recommend this to any parent even if you don't have an autistic child in your life. It's so important for us to understand what it means and how it affects a child, siblings, and parents.