My Love is Forever

Children - Concept
30 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

My Love is Forever by Dara M. Witte illuminates the depths of what being a mother means as she speaks to her gently nestled baby. Even before her child was born, visions of happiness overflow. When she begins to contemplate her child's future, the magnitude of her devotion imbues every page. Knowing that each person sees the world through a lens that defines a singular self, the author expresses a devoted mother’s hope for a glorious destiny. Contemplating the rewards of the magic of art and the wondrous prism of discovery are seen as gateways to fantastic possibilities. Prayers are said to ensure that her child's dreams will be realized, despite inevitable impediments. Loving precepts that go to the essence of what being a good person means vivify the narrative. Affirming unconditional love is what matters most.

While many children’s books stress the importance of love, few envelop it in a way that makes a young person's mind consider the love that dwells within. The distillation of a balance between a world without and that which exists within will give young readers pause about achieving personal fulfillment and being humane. Dara M. Witte’s tenderness in expression, in concert with an embedded sense of authenticity, sets this book apart. The creation of this mother-child bond is compelling in its beauty and truth, which will capture the thoughts of a young reader plumbing for their own identity. The illustrations by Celeste Villanueva are perfect complements; imagination will soar when looking at a misty and rainbow-enfolded picture of a giant’s castle. My Love is Forever is a marvelous book in a wealth of ways. When parent and child read it together, thoughts about what is most significant will invite exploration of the most meaningful lessons.