Mystery of the Eight Islands

Trouble in Paradise Book 11

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
336 Pages
Reviewed on 04/28/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Patrick W. Emmett for Readers' Favorite

In Mystery of the Eight Islands (Trouble in Paradise Book 11) by Terry Ambrose, the story unfolds on Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. Former skip-tracer William McKenna, who prefers to be simply called McKenna, and his best friend Chance Logan, a budding PI, are asked by his friend Isabella to look into the untimely death of her grandfather, Julian Carr. Julian was a prominent lawyer who had in his possession a valuable necklace thought to be part of the long-lost crown jewels of Queen Liliuokalani. The jewels are missing and while the Hawaiian police have investigated the fall that killed him, Julian’s death does seem to be suspicious. Several names top McKenna’s list of suspects to investigate.

The author weaves native Hawaiian words and phrases into character dialogue. Trips around the island provide the reader with a perspective of the culture unique to the people of Hawaii. The search to recover the 125-year-old missing necklace and discover who murdered Julian keeps the reader’s attention throughout the story. Each potential suspect is eliminated from the list by McKenna and Chance, often leaving them more confused than informed. They triumph in the end, exposing the murderer with satisfying results. As author Terry Ambrose transports you to the islands, you can almost feel the caress of gentle trade winds. Mystery of the Eight Islands is a good read and earns a 5-star review.