Nightshade Unicorn


Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
327 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

In Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner by T.S. Pedramon, Allabva Roalke's life in the peaceful Valley of the Five Moons is turned upside down when a legendary creature thought to be a myth—a male unicorn called the Forerunner—appears. Drawn away from her quiet existence tending her mother’s orchard and nurturing her growing romance, she is thrust into an urgent mission to aid Shrongelin, a being of great power, in stopping a catastrophic threat that looms over the world. What begins as a simple life quickly spirals into a race against time as Allabva must confront long-forgotten legends and a dangerous evil that threatens everything she holds dear.

Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner opens with a vivid portrayal of the valley’s natural beauty, where spring is in full bloom, and Allabva embarks on a routine task with her young brother, Mellier. Their conversation sets a calm, serene tone, but the underlying tension of ancient myths and mysterious omens begins to surface. As Allabva dismisses tales of the Nightshade Unicorn, the story hints at her naïve understanding of the world, which is soon shattered. The dynamic between Allabva and her younger brother provides heartwarming moments that humanize the character, making her relatable and sympathetic. As the plot deepens, readers are pulled into an intricately woven world where Allabva’s inner growth and the revelations of legendary truths make for an enthralling journey, perfect for fans of YA epic fantasy. T.S. Pedramon does a great job with the worldbuilding, character development, and mythical creatures that lend the narrative a sense of wonder and urgency to keep readers hooked until the final page.