One Day a Year

Fiction - Audiobook
286 Pages
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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Author Biography

Jason Lamont Jones grew up in Orem, Utah, served a mission in South Korea for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and graduated from BYU in computer science. "One Day a Year" marks his debut novel, a captivating time-travel adventure blending modern and pioneer eras. Jason lives with his family in Highland, Utah, where he enjoys crafting stories and savoring the nostalgic tunes of his vinyl record collection from the ’70s and ’80s.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

One Day a Year by J. Lamont Jones sees Benny Jones thrust back in time where he meets what could possibly be the love of his life. Only how can that be when she lived centuries in the past? And it’s not only time that seems to be keeping them apart but a multitude of other problems, namely a mysterious code that could end his time traveling once and for all.

One Day a Year by J. Lamont Jones is a fresh and intriguing novel that mashes so many different genres together in this wonderful and heart-pounding story. The thrill of a time travel romance, the historical references, and every twist and turn in the story keep you on the edge of your seat and hanging onto every word. You can’t help but root for Benny and Mary’s relationship to work out despite the odds and I found myself almost biting my nails at the suspense in some moments. One Day a Year was truly an amazing story and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The audio version is well produced with clear-sounding audio and well-enunciated storytelling. Kirby Heyborne did a good job in narrating the story; however, my only wish would be that he could have put more emotion into his voice. The reading sounded a bit flat in parts but, other than that, I could easily sit back and enjoy this audiobook. The story itself is fantastic and I enjoyed it throughout the duration.