O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc.

Bangtails, Grifers, and a Liar's Kiss

Fiction - Mystery - Historical
317 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc.: Bangtails, Grifters, and a Liar’s Kiss by A.G. Russo is a historical mystery novel set during World War II. The story follows Maeve O'Shaughnessy and Vic Marino as they struggle to keep their detective agency afloat while her brothers fight overseas. Despite the war’s looming presence, the duo takes on increasingly dangerous cases involving shady characters and high-stakes intrigue. As they navigate the perilous world of crime, Maeve and Vic must rely on each other to survive the mounting threats and uncover the truth in this tale. The vivid depiction of 1940s wartime America grabs readers from the very first page of this brilliant tale, capturing the atmosphere of both the home front and the gritty world of private investigators.

I loved the novel’s neo-noir tone as it brings the 40s under a modern microscope, but still has full respect for the grit and nostalgia of the era, blending sharp, cinematically-styled dialogue with morally ambiguous characters, and a tense, shadowy atmosphere that keeps the narrative unpredictable. The dynamic partnership between Maeve and Vic adds to the charm and mood, creating a compelling interplay of tension, trust, and loyalty that drives the narrative forward naturally through revealing conversations and some well-penned dilemmas. Narration in these key character moments has a close focus on their psychology, letting us into their heads and allowing us to see not just their skills, but also their vulnerabilities and the personal demons they have to overcome along the way. A.G. Russo also tackles heavy themes such as war, violence, and survival with nuance and sensitivity, using these elements to enhance the emotional depth of the characters without being gratuitous or over-dramatizing them. Overall, O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc.: Bangtails, Grifters, and a Liar’s Kiss is a brilliant historical work and I can’t wait to read more from this dynamic author.