Pancakes & Handguns

A Hitman's Daughter Novel

Fiction - Mystery - General
320 Pages
Reviewed on 08/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Nala Henkel-Aislinn’s Pancakes & Handguns: A Hitman’s Daughter Novel kept me up late into the night. You could categorize it as a mystery with elements of thriller and romance and served with a splash of humor. Galyna (Lena) Kozek, a sharp-witted, tech-savvy IT administrator turned vigilante with a dark past is about to have her life upended. Thomas, an FBI agent haunted by his father’s murder, believes Lena’s late father was responsible for his death and is willing to bend the rules to achieve his version of justice. When he gets an opportunity, he forces Lena to travel to Steeltown to get closer to the Olynyk family, a Ukrainian crime syndicate connected to her late father, and gather information for the FBI. Quinn Mage, a recently promoted police officer, has just moved into Steeltown to escape the shadows of his traumatic past. When Lena arrives in Steeltown, a series of events are set in motion which gather momentum, leading to a showdown. Will Lena reunite with her estranged relatives and reconnect the dots from her past? Will Thomas’s vendetta for revenge be fulfilled? Will Quinn be able to work through his trauma and find his happiness?

Nala Henkel-Aislinn drew me into the story with an action-filled scene in the first chapter, building my curiosity to know who the characters were. The pacing is brisk, but as you read, you realize that there are multiple subplots within one story. Using an engaging and witty conversational tone and told from the multiple perspectives of Lena, Quinn, and Thomas, the narrative allowed us to understand the characters better. Lena’s descriptions were often vivid and laced with sarcasm, effectively capturing her voice and personality. I also liked how Nala was able to blend technical details into the narrative without overwhelming me, showing her storytelling ability and subject matter expertise. She was able to create a sense of immediacy and intimacy, making the characters' experiences and emotions feel authentic. Although Lena, Thomas, and Quinn drive the narrative and their characters are well-defined, the supporting characters also have their unique personalities. Damon the bus driver and Valerie, Lena’s cousin Vas’s girlfriend, were my top favorites. If you like fast-paced mysteries with characters who are likely to do the unexpected, Pancakes & Handguns should be on your list.