Premeditated Justice

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/11/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lorraine Cobcroft for Readers' Favorite

Richard Cezar’s Premeditated Justice hooked me on page one, and I couldn’t stop reading until the very end. I have always been a fan of psychological thrillers, and this book proved to be a great read. It was action-packed, with intriguing characters who felt as accurate as my next-door neighbors, a credible plot with plenty of unexpected twists, and a strong and very relevant theme. The fact that the subject is topical adds market appeal. Cezar writes of a female psychologist whose life becomes intertwined with Native American victims of sexual abuse and an investigating policeman. The story is told through the eyes of two individuals who wrestle with the challenges presented by imperfect laws administered by flawed professionals. The methods used by the characters may shock, but their motives are pure. The ending, though, came as a surprise.

Reading Premeditated Justice was more than satisfying for a reader who has an inherent distrust of our legal system and those who work in it. It was a delight. I will certainly look for more from Richard Cezar because Premeditated Justice was a rare and unexpected treat. Cezar is a talented author, and I want more from him. If you love a great psychological thriller, crime story, or mystery, grab this book right now. You will not be disappointed. Just be prepared for a long session of reading because you might struggle to put it aside even briefly. It's a page-turner that keeps you glued to your chair and yearning for answers right to the very end. I have no hesitation in awarding Premeditated Justice five stars and giving it my highest recommendation.