Quid est Vita

What is Life

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
241 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In Quid Est Vita, a major catastrophic event makes Earth uninhabitable, causing people to move to other planets and moons. Resources are scarce, and many people die. Many of those who survive get into bad debt, which leads to generations of servitude. Later on, the Graft family reclaims Earth, and by using technology, things are restored, but this time it belongs to one family. Honours Graft and his brother learn about the dark side of the family empire early on. It is during this time that Honours meets Arlise. They grow up together, and their relationship is complicated. How will things turn out between them? Honours and his brother also want to change things in the family business. How will things unfold? 

In a world where AI is advancing rapidly, Quid Est Vita will get you thinking about how such technology is likely to affect people and society in general. I loved the well-crafted dialogues and the vivid descriptions of events that make one more invested in the story. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about the importance of issues such as taking care of our planet and having strong social support networks that contribute greatly to mental health. The characters were well-developed, and the reader will also appreciate the subtle sarcasm that made the book excellent at passing on the intended message. The steady narration also added to the overall beauty of this work. This is an amazing read, and I look forward to reading something else by this author.