Raised by Committee

Non-Fiction - Memoir
284 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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Author Biography

I have been playing with words all my life, from editorial assistant on London's famous Fleet Street, to regular newspaper columnist in Langley, B.C. 'Raised by Committee' is based on my experiences from age 12 to 18 years, while I was a 'ward of the Courts in need of moral protection' having been abandoned by my mother and abused by my father. I now live on Vancouver Island, Canada, having lived a wonderful life, except for my rather bumpy start! When I'm not writing, you will find me in my garden, volunteering for my community, or in our motorhome crisscrossing the continent. Life is good!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

Raised by Committee is a heart-wrenching and inspiring memoir about Carollyne Haynes’ tumultuous childhood in 1960s England. At just 12 years old, Haynes is abandoned by her mother and subjected to sexual abuse by her father, leading her to be placed in the care of the Devon County Council's Children's Committee. With a backdrop of Beatlemania and the sexual revolution, Haynes' journey is a rollercoaster of emotions as she struggles to come to terms with her past and navigate the restrictive world of institutional care. The book grips readers with its pathos —the author’s mother is often absent, and, when present, she is violent and neglectful. The author's father usually forces her to participate in inappropriate activities, which leaves her feeling traumatized and ashamed. This memoir chronicles her harrowing journey from childhood through foster care to healing and growth while discovering the power of human kindness and compassion through the unsung heroes who cared for her.

In Raised by Committee, Carollyne Haynes poignantly reveals the deep-seated emotional scars that linger long after the physical wounds have healed. The writing is fierce, and the author’s struggle to fill the void left by her absent family and resist the committee's suffocating control is a constant theme in the narrative. With its honesty and unbridled emotion, this memoir is a must-read for anyone who has ever faced abuse. The author's ability to convey the complexity of her feelings throughout her childhood grabbed my attention and kept me reading. She writes about feeling angry, scared, ashamed, and helpless but also about finding moments of joy and connection with others. The writing is raw and honest, and it is clear that she has spent a lot of time processing her emotions and reflecting on her experiences. This memoir is undeniably moving and will touch readers' hearts.