Royal Caleva: Gabriel

Duke of Bencalor

Romance - Contemporary
548 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Royal Caleva: Gabriel by Nancy Herkness is a contemporary romance that offers readers a story of classic honor, vibrant passion, and hints of danger. The story centers on Gabriel, Duke of Bencalor, who sacrifices his career as a Flamenco guitarist by allowing himself to be kidnapped to save his cousin, the Prince of Caleva. Quinn Pierson, an American computer hacker, is hired to track down Gabriel’s abductors. As she works with Gabriel, their growing attraction becomes undeniable, despite her reservations about their different worlds and her troubled past. Amidst escalating threats from a criminal mastermind and a hidden foe, their love faces both external and internal battles.

Author Nancy Herkness combines the chilling feel of suspense and the excitement and nerves of a new romance, creating a captivating narrative that keeps readers engaged with plenty of emotional depth and tension from cover to cover. The author’s nuanced portrayal of the main characters is packed with intricate narrative details and strong characterization that shows us exactly why they operate in the way that they do. Gabriel and Quinn couldn’t be more different in their upbringing and attitudes, but the pair bring out new, interesting qualities in one another that we see being nurtured through brilliant dialogue exchanges and emotional scenes where they open up about their demons. Herkness’s vivid descriptions and intricate plotting bring the prestige of the royal setting and the grittier elements of high-stakes drama to life, immersing readers in the story’s world and marrying these two concepts together seamlessly. Overall, I would highly recommend Royal Caleva: Gabriel to fans of complex, multi-dimensional tales and contemporary romance readers everywhere.