
Fiction - Thriller - Political
317 Pages
Reviewed on 08/09/2024
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Author Biography

Former U.S. Army, High school History and art teacher. As a full-time artist I supply numerous galleries with oil paintings and stone sculptures. For me, writing is a splendid narcotic, for which (fortunately) there is no cure. I have written five historical novels as well as "Ruptured," a political thriller. To find my books on Amazon go to: Amazon, books by Ron Singerton. My historical novels, (two of which won First Place International Award by the book review company Chanticleer) were a fun romp thru history, but I wrote "Ruptured" as a wake-up call for democracy in the U.S. It is a fast-paced story of a family and nation torn apart, unsuspected betrayal, secession, terrorism and potential civil war.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Viga Boland for Readers' Favorite

By the time Janice, the estranged wife of an FBI director, begins to realize that her new lover, James Goodwin, a member of the Nationalist Christian Republic of America (a new country now seceded from the USA), and its president, Lee, are dangerous men out for their gain who don’t care about the suffering of millions of citizens, war and revolt have broken out in the NCRA. Over a dozen or so chapters, the NCRA is defeated…or rather, saved from starvation and economic stagnation by the original USA. Freedom of speech and religion are regained, and political equilibrium is restored. But, as one expects, that resolution comes with a high price in the loss of life in Ruptured by Ron Singerton.

As the 2024 U.S. presidential elections draw ever closer to their conclusion, it’s fascinating to see how many novels have been written in the past year or two based on the possible outcomes Americans will face after November. Ruptured by Ron Singerton is one of these, a cleverly-plotted, fast-paced political thriller that keeps readers flipping the pages as we ponder the current genuine possibilities of a female president, or perhaps a party that places an authoritarian stranglehold on America in areas of abortion, religion, racial discrimination and immigration. While Singerton explores the military and political aspects of such a secession through a plethora of characters, it is Janice, her FBI husband, their prodigal daughter, and the self-important leaders of the NCRA, President Lee and James Goodwin that we remember most. Ruptured is an absorbing and thought-provoking read. Enjoy!