Saving A Sioux Legacy

The Story of Blaze

Fiction - Time Travel
320 Pages
Reviewed on 08/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Saving A Sioux Legacy: The Story of Blaze by Deanna King is a time travel novel that follows Blaze Clark, a woman disillusioned with her Sioux heritage. After discovering a mystic journal from Chief Black Raven and undergoing a magical ritual, Blaze is transported back in time. Stranded in an era unfamiliar to her, she must confront her fears, learn about her Sioux roots, and embrace her destiny as She-Cougar, a Sioux maiden tasked with preserving her people’s legacy. Through her journey, Blaze transforms her apathy into a profound connection with her culture and history.

Author Deanna King really knows how to work the atmosphere of an era into every aspect of her novel, delivering detail and authenticity in this fascinating trip back into history. King’s rich depiction of Sioux culture and history offers readers an immersive experience, bringing the past vividly to life and enhancing the novel’s educational and emotional impact as readers can easily place themselves into Blaze’s mind and emote with her. The author skillfully develops Blaze’s character from a disengaged individual to a heroine deeply connected with her heritage, and this detailed exploration of identity and cultural legacy is well-penned from her perspective. The result is a smoothly paced novel that has a lot of action, with a central message that’s both poignant and inspiring, highlighting the importance of understanding and embracing one's heritage. Overall, I would definitely recommend Saving A Sioux Legacy for fans of culturally rich and highly detailed time travel tales.