Saving the Day

Children - Educational
40 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Saving the Day by Jimena Rivera is a thoughtful children's picture book about the healthcare field and the heroes who are a part of it. It's Career Day, and Melanie is happy to go with her mother to the hospital where she works. She loves spending time with her mother and learning new things. Melanie learns from her mother that the hospital is a place where people of all ages are welcome and that they get help, heal, and have their lives saved. At the hospital, Melanie meets people dressed in many colors and discovers what workers like nurses, surgeons, and physicians can do. She even learns how to help her sweet bear feel better and make him smile. Melanie is about to have much fun, learn many things, and, most importantly, learn how healthcare workers can save the day.

Saving the Day by Jimena Rivera is a fun and heartwarming introduction to the hospital and the amazing things that can happen in it. This book is a friendly, smart, and informative way to teach young children about different professions in the medical field. This story encourages them to appreciate and be grateful to all healthcare workers for their hard work and devotion. With simple language, cute illustrations, and fun activities, this book shows the importance of working together and making people feel better and never alone. This story can help children who are anxious about going to the hospital for a visit or any reason to feel prepared. It has the potential to inspire children to become the healthcare workers of tomorrow.