Sea Glass Kids

Problems in the Ocean

Children - Picture Book
39 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Marie-Hélène Fasquel for Readers' Favorite

Sea Glass Kids: Problems in the Ocean by Leslee Flanagan is a lovely and captivating educational children’s book about environmental conservation. The book depicts three adorable kids, Isabella, Olivia, and Jake. Isabella and Olivia learn about sea glass and the danger to sea animals thanks to two beluga whales, named Findlay and Reeka, whom they meet at the aquarium. Jake then joins them and tells them he was rescued by a beluga whale a few years ago. They all decide to fight for the oceans and marine life on their own, conducting numerous actions (such as beach clean-ups, getting a booth at their town celebration, etc.).

Sea Glass Kids: Problems in the Ocean by Leslee Flanagan is a fantastic children’s book that Remesh Ram beautifully illustrated. It is uplifting, instead of being gloomy and scary. It shares the story of three youngsters who want to make a difference. It focuses on the ocean, even though the author covers the environment, flora, and fauna, as a whole. This book is exciting as it mixes facts in the story, but also at the end, and storytelling such as the story of Jamco, the sea lion among others. They are helped by Olivia’s grandparents who share the kids’ interests. However, some adults they contacted (the grocery store owner and their soccer coach) are not interested in their fight and will not help them make the planet greener and less polluted. The book shows that everyone, including the young, can make a change, and I couldn't agree more with that idea. As a teacher, I try to help students grasp this concept each year.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Leslee Flanagan's Sea Glass Kids increases public understanding about the amount of trash in our oceans. Isabella and Olivia rush to see their Beluga whale friends, Findlay and Reeka. After Findlay talks about a funny experience, Reeka addresses a very serious issue - the excess of litter thrown into the ocean. A boy, Jake, joins the girls, telling them about his experience with a Beluga whale and echoing the creature's concern for the polluted ocean. After talking to a couple more marine animals, the children spring into action, but none of the adults they address about the problems in the ocean seems to want to help. The kids have an idea to raise awareness at their next town celebration and clean up trash at their beach to showcase the gravity of the situation.

Leslee Flanagan's story is a call to action. All readers - whether they're children or adults reading the book aloud to children - will be inspired to get involved with cleaning up beaches and becoming more conscious of Earth's ecosystems. Hearing from the animals in the book about the way trash affects their safety will speak directly to children's hearts. This isn't just a story to read and put on the shelf; it's a book to share in hopes of making a difference! Flanagan includes interesting and informative facts at the end of the book, and Remesh Ram supplies fun illustrations showing the children's motivation and actions. Readers who are interested in preserving the environment and saving marine life will benefit from reading Sea Glass Kids: Problems in the Ocean.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Sea Glass Kids: Problems in the Ocean by Leslee Flanagan is an educational, fun picture book. Isabella, Jake, and Olivia are horrified to discover how much trash people throw in the sea and how much damage it is doing to the wildlife. When they confront local business owners about the plastic they sell or use, they are even more horrified to find that no one seems to care. So they hatch a plan, one that will make the town sit up and take notice and maybe, just maybe, change their minds and make them see that everyone must protect the oceans and wildlife. Will their clever plan work?

Sea Glass Kids: Problems in the Ocean by Leslee Flanagan is an amazing story with some stunningly real and colorful illustrations by Remesh Ram that complement the plot perfectly. This is a fun story but it also has a serious side, teaching children the damage we do to the environment and what we can do to protect it. At the end of the day, kids are the future of the world, and if things don't change now, there won't be much of a world left for them. This story teaches that children don't have to wait for adults to take charge – they can instigate the changes needed to make things right. This lovely tale will be enjoyed by kids and adults everywhere, and it's a great way for teachers and parents to encourage kids to take a stand and play their part in protecting the environment and wildlife. Great story; highly recommended for kids, parents, and schools.