She Had Been A Tomboy

Raising A Transgender Child, A Mother's Journey

Non-Fiction - Memoir
300 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

She Had Been a Tomboy: Raising A Transgender Child, A Mother’s Journey by Sandra Bowman is a powerful and moving memoir that offers insight into the challenges and triumphs of raising a transgender child. With raw honesty and a deeply personal touch, Bowman takes readers on a journey through her life and that of her child, revealing the complexities and heartaches of a story that spans over two and a half decades. From the moment her "son" was born in 1987, Bowman found herself navigating uncharted waters. At a time when society's understanding of transgender identities was minimal, Bowman was tasked with deciphering her child's anguish and identity. Her child, perceived as a typical boy in both body and behavior, concealed a secret that would only be understood through years of persistent searching and heartfelt conversations.

Sandra Bowman’s She Had Been a Tomboy is poetic and emotional, capturing the essence of a mother's love and relentless pursuit of answers. The memoir delves into the tumultuous pubescent years, where confusion and misunderstanding often overshadow the reality of a child's true self. It is a narrative marked by uncertainty, fear, and heartache but also one of resilience and eventual recovery. Bowman does not shy away from expressing her struggles, guilt, and determination to "fix" her child, making the story relatable to parents grappling with similar issues. Her journey from confusion to acceptance is portrayed with such authenticity that it resonates deeply with readers, offering a sense of hope and solidarity. This is a book you’ll read cover to cover in one sitting as Bowman offers a beacon for those navigating similar paths into the often misunderstood experiences of transgender individuals and their families.