Silly Little Rich Girl

Fiction - Suspense
144 Pages
Reviewed on 04/30/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Jimmy Gleacher offers readers a unique look at the life of a bi-polar female.  Liza Davis was from an extremely dysfunctional home.  Her mother’s focus was on her professional life rather than her children.  Daughter Jamie informed her mother of her plans to go to Africa with the Peace Corps.  Her mother threw a temper tantrum.  Jamie walked out never to return.  After a month or more, Liza became very upset.  She set out on a search to find Jamie.  The reader follows her on the journey and witnesses her break down.

The plot of Silly Little Rich Girl has potential but needs a tad of work in the area of editing .  There are several typographical errors.  The plot is confusing.  Gleacher weaves the story in and out.  One chapter will take place along  Liza’s journey to find Jamie.  The next chapter takes place in the hospital.  I found the plot confusing and erratic; however, that was when I got it.  Gleacher is demonstrating how the mind of a bi-polar works.  A bi-polar mind rarely has a smooth flow.  Bits and pieces of thoughts are invading the brain all at once.  Before the person can grab on and focus on one thought, another bombards him or her.  Where my first thought was that Gleacher lost focus on the plot, I now think he is brilliant.  Few authors have ever been able to capture the erratic thinking of a bi-polar.