Sisters Arcana

A Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Saleema Ishq's psychological thriller titled Sisters Arcana, Aisha had separated herself from almost everyone, including her neighbors, relatives, and friends. When Aisha's doorbell rang and no one was there, she noticed a piece of red paper. It was an envelope with one tarot card inside, and Aisha's name printed on the front. Aisha's anxiety increased while reading the handwritten note, which served as a reminder that she was not always this way. She used to love hanging out with her sisters and two friends, but these days she hardly ever left the house. Only Lulu, her estranged sister, would be able to decipher the card. Aisha was forced to face her demons as a childhood tragedy resurfaced when she and Lulu collaborated to interpret the tarot card's meaning.

Sisters Arcana by Saleema Ishq had me hooked from the first page to the last. The chapters flowed into each other and alternated between the past and the present. This allowed me to understand Aisha better and why she changed so drastically. The story was exciting, and I could not turn the pages fast enough to see what would happen next. The characters were authentic and relatable. Aisha felt strange in Lulu's presence, but with Lulu, it was clear that blood was thicker than water. The narrative was engaging and it was hard to put the book down. I enjoyed reading this story, and the major twist at the end was a big surprise. It was unexpected, and I did not see it coming.