Solo Passage

13 Quests, 13 Questions

Non-Fiction - Memoir
244 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Glenda was feeling guilty about her previous life, having abandoned her children to go be with her new lover, Rich. Her life had not been easy, having lost her father to alcoholism at an early age and getting pregnant at the tender age of sixteen. She had decided to keep the baby, which meant marrying Bob Howard at that young age without knowing what it meant to be a wife or a mother. On this quest, she wanted to forgive herself. The wilderness quest was not just for Native Americans; everyone could join in this ritual, connect with Mother Earth, and honor those who came earlier. Anne, the wilderness quest guide, had counseled fasting for four days during the quest and the need to ensure one was well hydrated. To find out how Glenda connects with nature, makes peace with her past, and prepares for the future, get a copy of Solo Passage: 13 Quests, 13 Questions by Glenda Goodrich.

Solo Passage by Glenda Goodrich is a wonderfully written, unique memoir. Glenda vividly describes her emotions and various events in detail. Her description of the wilderness quests was like an adventure without having to leave my couch. This made it entertaining and not just a recitation of her life story. Readers will also appreciate the various themes covered, such as nature, hope, religion, and social issues, all of which are thought-provoking. The flashbacks give us a glimpse into Glenda's past life, and the logical flow of events means there is no confusion for the reader. I also loved the tone and the narration, which are very welcoming. Glenda also used easy-to-understand language, which makes the book accessible to all kinds of readers. I can't wait to read something else by this talented author.