Soul Food for the Whole Family

Easy Stress Management Techniques for Children and Parents

Children - Educational
37 Pages
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Soul Food for the Whole Family, written by Alina Olteanu with illustrations by Aurora Escobar is a book of 'Easy Stress Management Techniques for Children and Parents.' Children today experience stress as much as adults do, and this book offers plenty of meditation and other stress management practices to help them. It offers an easy way to understand stress and learn all the different ways of meditating. It also introduces kids to the Meditating Manatee and the Dancing Dolphin, two incredibly cute characters that teach kids all about managing stress and the benefits of learning to meditate. With this book close at hand, no child should ever have to worry about stress again.

Soul Food for the Whole Family by Alina Olteanu is a lovely book, not just educational but entertaining to read too. In the first half, we learn all about stress, how it can affect us, and how meditation works. In the second half, kids meet two lovely characters who teach them how to manage stress with meditation, providing step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions on different techniques. This book also teaches kids to treat meditation and stress management as a family practice, not something they have to deal with alone. This is written in clear language, is very easy to follow, and will provide kids and their parents or caregivers with a lot of fun while dealing with a serious subject. The lessons in the book will benefit everyone who reads them, not just youngsters, and it is recommended reading for all children, their families, and their teachers. This is a lovely book, fun to read but tackling a serious subject, and the lessons it teaches will last forever.