Spiderweb Alley

Fiction - Fantasy - General
374 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shrabastee Chakraborty for Readers' Favorite

Following a chance encounter at a library years ago, Mick and Kath promptly fell in love with each other. As a folklorist, Mick is forever searching for ancient myths and legends, meticulously chasing, collecting, and researching obscure tales. For Kath, however, fairy tales hold an altogether different allure. She loves to lose herself in the stories. When the duo makes a trip to a remote village to attend a storytelling session, little do they imagine that the secluded place hides some otherworldly secrets. As the tales of yore seem to come alive and engulf them, will Kath and Mick be able to escape? Find out in Spiderweb Alley, the first book of The Elverie Road series by Verlyn Flieger.

I love how Flieger’s beautiful prose painted a vibrant picture of the countryside. The imagery of never-ending forests, serpentine trails, lonely shores, and distant seas creates the perfect atmosphere for unfolding the plot. Verlyn Flieger transports readers to a faraway place hidden in the shadows, where stories are not confined to a few spoken or written words. The folklore here gains a life of its own, driving the characters with them. The narrative tugs at the deepest, darkest corners of the psyche, evoking primal emotions. Flieger plays with perceptions so deftly that it is impossible to tell where the reality ends and the dreams begin. The mystical vibes surrounding the place, the almost ritualistic traditions, and the hints of a nightmarish presence in the woods create an unforgettable atmosphere. I recommend Spiderweb Alley to anyone who loves supernatural or fantasy tales.