Stand Up or Sit Out

Memories and Musings of a Blind Wrestler, Runner and All-around Regular Guy

Non-Fiction - Memoir
220 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Anthony R. Candela’s memoir, Stand Up or Sit Out, is an engaging and heartfelt journey through the life of a man who refuses to let blindness define his limitations. With a blend of humor, humility, and candid reflection, Candela shares the ups and downs of his life as a wrestler, runner, and adventurer, all while gradually losing his eyesight. Candela broadens our understanding of what it means to live with a disability, but more importantly, what it means to be truly human. It’s a memoir that encourages readers to be kinder, not just to others, but to ourselves.

Anthony R. Candela shares his journey in a straightforward and approachable manner. He doesn't sugarcoat the difficulties of living with a disability, nor does he wallow in self-pity. Instead, he presents himself as a “regular guy,” grappling with the same imperfections and challenges we all face, albeit with an extra layer of complexity. The memoir emphasizes overcoming obstacles and embracing life with all its unpredictability. Candela’s accounts of wrestling and running are particularly insightful, offering a glimpse into the physical and mental discipline required in these sports. Candela challenges the notion that people with disabilities are somehow “transcendent beings” and instead advocates for a more nuanced understanding of their experiences as ordinary people navigating extraordinary circumstances. His message is clear: everyone can either stand up and face life’s challenges or sit out and let them pass by. Stand Up or Sit Out is an inspirational memoir that is an excellent read for teens and adults.