Star Brother

Children - Preteen
164 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Star Brother by Maxine Rose Schur is an emotionally driven story that follows Jason, a smart boy raised in the foster care system who does not want any attachments. He has no friends in school except Melanie, a lovely girl who is kind to him. He avoids getting close to her because of his fear of abandonment. Secretly, Jason wishes to belong, but when he discovers he has a brother, he stays away because of their unusual connection. Fortunately, Jason is placed with a loving family and gets an opportunity to go to MIT, but just when his life starts looking up, a blast from the past forces a reunion between him and his brother. The brothers embark on a road trip to save another family member. During their journey, they bond, challenging Jason to rethink his notions of trust and attachment.

Star Brother is a captivating tale about brotherhood, family, and belonging. It takes readers on a roller coaster of emotions, introducing them to relatable characters with familiar struggles. The author tackles themes of abandonment, interdependency, and loneliness, offering readers a glimpse into the psyche of someone afraid of forming bonds due to bad experiences in the foster care system. Readers will enjoy getting to know the characters and witnessing their growth as they navigate their complex relationships. Maxine Rose Schur masterfully captures Jason's internal conflicts, blending heartfelt moments with the harsh realities of his past. The road trip perfectly serves as a metaphor for Jason’s journey toward healing and acceptance. This book has science fiction, romance, and adventure elements, giving every reader something they can enjoy. The narration is engaging, with natural conversations and an unpredictable plotline. Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger which will leave readers craving more. Overall, Star Brother is a wonderful story that explores the complexities of relationships and the struggle for connection amidst adversity.