Stone Cold

A Cameron Stone Action Thriller (Book 2) (Cameron Stone Series)

Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
210 Pages
Reviewed on 05/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Edmond Raines and Cameron Stone are back to doing what they know best. This time, they join forces with law enforcement agents to thwart a terrorist operation in the heart of New York City. Their brave efforts ultimately prove successful but come at a terrible cost to both men. While one recuperates, the other plans vengeance against those who hurt him on such a personal level. Unlike their previous operations, the battle lines are blurred this time and change so rapidly that friends become foes overnight. Cameron takes the lead as they fight a new enemy, one hellbent on wiping out the dynamic duo no matter the cost in Thomas LeBrun's Stone Cold.

Close-quarters combat and martial arts take center stage in Thomas Lebrun's thriller. Stone Cold is part of an evolving series of adventures starring Edmond Raines and Cameron Stone. Skillfully written to be both impressive and standalone yet subtly connected, Lebrun carefully alludes to the two characters' past experiences and how they relate to the current chapter, demonstrating high character development. Readers can easily comprehend the antagonists' motivations and how their origin stories fit together. The dialogue is realistic and tinged with a rough edge sometimes seen in war veterans. Lebrun's explanation of military formations and assault tactics and his strikingly detailed account of the martial arts combat throughout the adventure demonstrate flawless attention to detail. Stone Cold has an apparent focus on combat resolving issues, yet, Lebrun subtly illustrates through dialogue and other visual cues that force should only occur as a last resort in all situations. Action enthusiasts will enjoy the rapid pace and nonstop action in Stone Cold.