Stone of Fear

Stones of Iona Book 2

Romance - Paranormal
234 Pages
Reviewed on 04/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Stone of Fear is a work of fiction in the paranormal romance, suspense, and historical adventure genres, and is the second novel in the Stones of Iona series. Penned by author Margaret Izard, the plot follows Marie Murray, an expert on spiritual buildings, as she renovates the chapel mosaic floor at Dunstaffnage Castle and falls for John MacArthur. Their budding romance takes a dark turn when a fanatical priest kidnaps Marie, believing her work holds magic. Transported to 15th-century Scotland, Marie's memories of their love keep her sane as John must fulfill his hereditary duty and locate a magic Fae stone to rescue her. The author uses details, research, and creativity to craft an enthralling journey through time that explores love's enduring power.

I found the plot to be extremely well-paced and layered to explore the various elements of romance, time travel, and fantasy, creating a tapestry of intrigue that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Marie and John's relationship unfolds amidst the backdrop of both realistic history and immersive mystical forces, drawing readers into their love story with a sure-footed grounding in real emotion. The tension builds as John races against time and faces his own challenges to save Marie, while her resilience and love fuel her determination to survive, and this is reflected in the sharp, exciting twists and atmospheric mood shifts of the novel’s latter half. Margaret Izard's vivid descriptions and engaging plot twists intensify and grow with the characters throughout, immersing the reader in a world where love transcends time and adversity for a fantastic conclusion. Overall, Stone of Fear is a gripping tale of love that I would not hesitate to recommend to romance fans everywhere.

Ronél Steyn

Margaret Izard brings us another riveting paranormal romance novel, the second in the Stones of Iona series; Stone of Fear. After the renovation of the chapel in the woods at Dunstaffnage Castle in Scotland, as a specialist in historical buildings, Marie Murray is ready for the next project. This is also where she met and fell in love with John MacArthur. When Marie is kidnapped by a priest and transported to the fifteenth century to find the Stone of Fear, John doesn’t think twice about going after her. John is in constant pursuit to save the love of his life from evil. Will he be able to get to her in time and take her back home? And what will he lose in his endeavors to rescue his one true love?

Author Margaret Izard has done it again! With a prevalent theme of true eternal love that spans centuries, she will take you on a breathtaking adventure in Stone of Fear. With colorful phrasing, she will stimulate all your senses. I loved the fact that the leading characters' story runs parallel with that of Bree and Colin from the first book. Written in the third person narrative, we are privy to the thoughts and feelings of the main characters, along with their fears and joys. Not suitable for younger readers due to the intimate sexual scenes, this book will once again leave you breathless. I would also not recommend reading this as a stand-alone, even though there is some background mentioned about the first book, Stone of Love. Once more, the ending leaves plenty of opportunity for the next novel in this series.

Alicia DeBerry

What happens when you come face to face with your greatest fears? Margaret Izard explores the options in Stone of Fear: Stones of Iona, Book 2. Marie Murray is a geologist and expert on the recreation of spiritual buildings. Marie took the opportunity to oversee the restoration of the Dunstaffnage Castle chapel mosaic floor. Marie met and fell in love with John MacArthur, captain of Dunstaffnage Castle. A fanatical priest obsessed with obtaining power from the Stone of Iona kidnaps Marie because he believes her religious renovation creates magic and takes her back to 15th-century Scotland. Now charged with his hereditary duty to find the magic Fae stone and fueled with the passion to rescue his love, will John succeed? 
Margaret Izard did an excellent job of showcasing the reasons fear occurs and how it affects your decisions in Stone of Fear. Fate paired with choices leads to destiny. John and Marie worked through their fear with faith and trust in each other to keep trying. I picked up a romance but also received an epic adventure that motivated me to have the courage to face my fears. I recommend this book to fans of historical, sizzle, and suspense romance.